To those not familiar with the world of NTFS. It offers a feature known as Alternate Data Streams which can allow a user to create hidden content attached to a file.
Typically generated using echo or type it normally requires a command prompt to get to generate these files or view the files.
However an alternative method in XP and 2K/2K3 series of operating systems was to add data to… Continue reading
So it was the same as any other usual Friday, 10pm I’m shattered after a particularly taxing week at work so laying in bed reading a book (the rock and roll lifestyle of a social pariah) when I get a text from a colleague
Dude, what are you doing this weekend? I’m just about to take part in a CTF, get online #corelan on freenode
A CTF? To those who… Continue reading
You have a website and you’ve proven it’s vulnerable to clickjacking, but what use is fooling a user into submitting a form unless you can specify some of the data that the user is submitting within those fields?
We’ve all played games online where you have to match up words to phrases or maybe things like the “impossible game” where you drag the words to the respective colours.
What about… Continue reading
I’m working on a side project that has me contributing to a GIT repository for source control.
Great! Only I haven’t got a freaking clue how to use it properly.
First in the list:
Pushing “Tags” up to the master repository
First thing to note is that tags are typically only noted on your local copy of the repository. They aren’t pushed up to the origin when you make a… Continue reading