So we all know how great burpsuite is, but don’t we all hate getting nagged by IE and Firefox about the certificate issues? Well here’s a quick way to add burpsuites CA certificate to them.

Background: During install burpsuite generates a new CA certificate and stores the private key on your machine, if you reinstall you’ll have to repeat the steps to trust the newly generated CA again.

Steps for… Continue reading

So on a test I wanted to test the possibility of performing a DoS against an IP based network camera to see of the possibility of disrupting it’s video stream. Well the idea was to hammer the device with UDP packets.

A quick look around and I found this code here. I decided to take a copy of the code as the base for a quick perl script.

A quick… Continue reading

Cross posting some work of a friend of mine that I was helping with, I say “helping” in the lightest form of the word (I had a domain controller ready to test, he didn’t).

Meatballs (over at: has been doing some work attempting to put together a metasploit module to decrypt passwords found within the sysvol folder on win2k8 domains.

However rather than just settle for the disclosed… Continue reading

Quiet often people ask me to bruteforce a hash for them. My usual response after the obligatory; where did you get the hash from? is “I’ll run a few dictionaries against it unless you provide me with a charset and length!”

For those that don’t understand it needs to be made clear exactly what bruteforce cracking means.

Lets just say we have a four character pin that can only… Continue reading

…running Centos 6.2

After seeing a great little tutorial courtesy of @hak5darren I decided to implement this on my VPS box to provide a little extra security while removing the need for private keys.

Granted I can still use private keys at home but it’d be nice to have access to my box when I maybe don’t have access to my private key or using it via an internet cafe.… Continue reading