To those not familiar with the world of NTFS. It offers a feature known as Alternate Data Streams which can allow a user to create hidden content attached to a file.

Typically generated using echo or type it normally requires a command prompt to get to generate these files or view the files.

However an alternative method in XP and 2K/2K3 series of operating systems was to add data to… Continue reading

So it was the same as any other usual Friday, 10pm I’m shattered after a particularly taxing week at work so laying in bed reading a book (the rock and roll lifestyle of a social pariah) when I get a text from a colleague

Dude, what are you doing this weekend? I’m just about to take part in a CTF, get online #corelan on freenode

A CTF? To those who… Continue reading

So today oclHashcat-plus-0.08 was released by atom.

As I like to play with oclHashcat I thought it would be a good idea to update, but this also meant that I would have to update to the catalyst 12.04 drivers.

Before doing this it made sense to run a speed test using the scripts provided on

Before running these tests it’s important to ensure that your fans are… Continue reading

So on a recent test I found a few devices, one was a Qunatum Scalar i500 and the other was an IBM TS3310, both are tape libraries.

CVE-2012-1844 states the following: The Quantum Scalar i500 tape library with firmware before i7.0.3 (604G.GS00100), also distributed as the Dell ML6000 tape library with firmware before A20-00 (590G.GS00100) and the IBM TS3310 tape library with firmware before R6C (606G.GS001), uses default passwords for… Continue reading

So you’ve got oclHashcat and you want to practice cracking hashes but you’ve got no hashes? Fear not! There are hashes listed below for you to play with or if you would like to generate hashes yourself download my perl module here and have a play with making them and then cracking yourself: svn checkout hashcat-passgen Direct link to code here. (Big thanks to atom at for giving… Continue reading