I know how we all have our own way of copy/paste from console windows but metasploit has just introduced a new feature as of r13028.

You can now save all of the output of metasploit (including meterpreter) to a file using the spool command:

123spool /root/msf3_output.txt [OWNAGE GOES HERE] spool off

Or to ensure you always have a log of what you are doing add to the ~/.msf3/msfconsole.rc file… Continue reading

So you’ve owned a box and now you want to exploit others using the first as a pivot. First thing to do is background your current meterpreter session:

1234567meterpreter > background msf exploit(multi_handler) > sessions -l Active sessions =============== Id  Type                   Information         … Continue reading

So your Linux box has locked up and you can’t get a response… step in SysRq!

This wonderful key is on most keyboards and i bet you’ve hit it a low more times than you realise as it’s usually paired up with the PrtSc (PrintScreen) key. What does it do?

Well it allows you to send system requests to a linux kernel, effectively allowing you to bypass the usual GUI/CLI… Continue reading

So, you’ve been given a cisco config from a pix firewall using

1'show run'

and you’ve looked through it and it seems a ballache to understand. We know we could use nipper but you either have to pay a wedge for the professional version of suffer with the free version.

After a little googling I found a few tools to help along the way. fwbuilder looks good but doesn’t… Continue reading

So I’m often getting asked how to set up simple networking from the command line.

This drives me nuts a simple google would get the answers!

But, now I can just point people here and save wasting my time.

STATIC The following presumes you are on a 192.168.1.n class C network with the gateway as


12345ifconfig eth0 netmask up route add default gw echo "nameserver… Continue reading