So you’re broke and you don’t own msfpro, cobalt strike or any of the other expensive tools that allow vpn pivoting. (FYI: Paying for tools like cobalt strike helps Raphael Mudge continue to keep developing free tools like Armitage)
So now that that’s out of the way lets explain the scenario.
You’ve managed to get a meterpreter session on a box via a webshell (possibly a network firewall… Continue reading
So not so recently support was added to metasploit for a native python meterpreter. The cool thing about this is that the victim only needs to execute a few small lines of code.
This means that if you’re performing a local lockdown test and manage to get access to a python shell it wont take much more effort to turn this into a meterpreter session.
12msfvenom -f raw -p… Continue readingOkay, so me and a colleague were tasked with a job which meant we had a short space of time to test around 300 devices spread over 10+ VLANs. We could have requested that a port was set up on each switch for us to gain access but we also had a trunk port set up. (Cheers to DK1 for the pointers)
A trunk port basically allows you to set… Continue reading
So GCHQ have just released a new competition that’s fun to do in downtime. It’s hosted here:
It give’s you the following cipher and no information about it:
After looking at the code it seems that the letter Q is very common. I tried various tricks such as applying ROT13 ROTn and so on but couldn’t get it to reveal anything clear.
I then tried to take every… Continue reading
So in order to teach myself how to create multi-threaded python apps I decided to have a go this morning at writing a simple MD5 bruteforcer (using a wordlist).
The way this works is that you create worker threads and each worker thread pulls an item from the queue and processes it; when finished it pulls another item from the queue and so on.
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839#!/usr/bin/env python # import sys,Queue,threading,hashlib,os… Continue reading