
So you’ve got a VMWare system but when you created it you did so but specified the wrong disk type. For example I have a Win7 32bit VM specifically for iTunes (in my family we have iPhones and iPads). Unfortunately when I created this for some silly reason decided to set the 40GB drive to preallocated meaning I have a single 40GB file taking up far too much room on… Continue reading

This allows you to mount an iso file in a linux directory

1mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/cdrom

This will verbosely sync the 2 directories locally

1rsync --delete --progress --sparse -va /dir/of/source/ /dir/of/destination/

And to do the same thing over SSH:

1rsync --sparse --progress -avc -e ssh /dir/of/destination/

This zips the directory and names it in

1zip -r /home/user/ /location/of/directory

This unzips the archive

1unzip /home/user/

This tars the directory and names it xyz.tar in /home/user/

1tar -cvf /home/user/xyz.tar /location/of/directory

This untars the archive

1tar -xvf /home/user/xyz.tar -C /location/to/extract/to/

This tar.gzs the directory and names it xyz.tar.gz in /home/user/

1tar -zcvf /home/user/xyz.tar.gz /location/of/directory

This untars the archive

1tar -zxvf /home/user/xyz.tar.gz -C /location/to/extract/to/

This allows mounting of a remote file system over ssh. Ensure that theĀ sshfs package is installed.

1sshfs /media/ssh -o allow_other