
So we’ve all been unlucky enough to have a meterpreter session die on us, and then we’ve all been unlucky enough that we cannot re-exploit the box using the same vulnerability for some reason or another.

No one I know in the White Hat scene likes to use any form of persistence with a payload; and you’d be nuts to use the bind_tcp option through fear of leaving it running.… Continue reading

I know how we all have our own way of copy/paste from console windows but metasploit has just introduced a new feature as of r13028.

You can now save all of the output of metasploit (including meterpreter) to a file using the spool command:

123spool /root/msf3_output.txt [OWNAGE GOES HERE] spool off

Or to ensure you always have a log of what you are doing add to the ~/.msf3/msfconsole.rc file… Continue reading

So you’ve owned a box and now you want to exploit others using the first as a pivot. First thing to do is background your current meterpreter session:

1234567meterpreter > background msf exploit(multi_handler) > sessions -l Active sessions =============== Id  Type                   Information         … Continue reading