
So there is the Hak5 LanTutle which is a great bit of kit. However I feel it is severely limited by the lack of onboard WiFi. The same for Mubix‘s post ‘Snagging Creds from locked machines…

First off, buy yourself an PiZeroW. You’ll also need a MicroSD card and something to read/write it.

Download latest image of raspbian lite and copy it to the MicroSD

1sudo dd… Continue reading

So I’ve been playing with the raspberry pi again lately and once again have got frustrated with the USB ports. Thus, i decided it was about time I looked into sorting them.

I wanted to add a capacitor to the USB ports to allow better hot-plugging of devices as the issues is well documented everywhere.

I decided I think the USB ports only support 200mA per port but when using… Continue reading

So my Raspberry Pi has been sitting in the box for about a month now while it could have been doing something more useful.

So as I had an evening free I decided to quickly throw something together in order to use a spare webcam to take a photo every 30 or so seconds.

I had plans to put the webcam and the pi inside an old external light fitting… Continue reading